Three Most Used Varieties Of Depth Gages
Depth gages are probably the most commonly used variety of engineering tools over other such types of tools. As the name suggests, this instrument is used for measuring depths of holes of different dimensions.
However, these depth gages are available in different types for attaining more precision in measuring gages.
Listed below are some of the most commonly used depth gages for your reference. Watch out!
· Micrometer depth gage
The micrometer gage is the variant of depth gage which is meant for high precision depth measurements. Thus, the key feature of this variant is that it comes with a micrometer head that is just perfect enough for measuring surface depths that come with as low dimension as 0 mm to 1/25 mm.
However, the micrometer gage is not fit for measuring depths that are beyond 1/25mm in dimension. Even if it has to do so, in such cases an additional and improved anvil needs to be installed by replacing the existing one.
· Thread depth gage
The thread depth gage or the thread gage as it is usually called is an engineering instrument that finds optimum use for measuring the pitch or the lead of any screw thread.
In more simplistic terms, it can be said that the purpose of thread depth gage is to measure the thread dimension that is present in the surface of any screw. Hence, in mechanical and engineering terms, this variety of gage is also used for the purpose of Gage Calibration of threaded screws.
Based on the type of function it should serve, the thread depth gage is manufactured in variants like ring gage, API gage, tapered pipe thread gage, straight pipe thread gage, and so on.
· Superficial depth gage
The superficial depth gage is basically an umbrella term that is applied to a range of gages that are used for estimating the smaller changes that may be present anywhere in any depth of a given surface.
In this context, it should be additionally mentioned that even the flattest surface may have some defects and deformities as far as uniformity in its overall depth is concerned.
Sometimes these deformities are manufacturing defects and at other times it is intentionally done for serving some functional or aesthetic purposes.
These deformities in depth can be accurately measured by different types of superficial depth gages depending on the case.
Thus, the common varieties of this type of gages that the engineers and mechanics use are ripple gage, chamfer surface gage, flatness surface gage and rivet height gage.